The 3 Legends have turned film stars, pulling on the boots one final time at Wolviston FC to shoot a promo for SKY.

Craig Hignett, Lee Clark and Darren Williams recreated that iconic ‘Bryan Robson signing for Boro’ look, where the England legend sported business attire on his top half and playing kit on the bottom half.

The banter flowed between the NUFC, MFC & SAFC legends as the lads were shooting a promo for the most prestigious football radio show across the North East that that will be screened on SKY platforms across November and December.

Anyone up for the kit? A bizarre prize yes, but if you want to get your hands on the shorts and socks the lads were wearing (no we haven’t washed it), then just tell us why you should win Higgy’s, Clarky’s or Daz’s kit. They’re will be 3 winners, one for each club.